Episode 73 - Supermarket Free Living

Supermarket-free lifestyle - Episode 73

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Buying Direct Meat from a farmer https://halfacow.farm/ 

 Growing Food

Vegetable Garden:

   - Grow a variety of vegetables and herbs.

   - Use techniques like crop rotation and companion planting to maximize yield.

   Fruit Trees and Berry Bushes:

   - Plant apple, pear, peach, and other fruit trees.

   - Grow berry bushes such as raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries.


   - Extend the growing season and protect plants from adverse weather.

   Herb Garden:

   - Grow culinary and medicinal herbs.

Aquaponics and Hydroponics:

   - Use these systems to grow plants in water with added nutrients.


Animal Husbandry

Raising Livestock:

   - Keep chickens for eggs and meat.

   - Raise goats, sheep or cows for fibre, milk, cheese, and meat.

   - Keep bees for honey and beeswax.


 Fishing and Aquaculture:

   - Raise fish in ponds or tanks.

   - Utilize local water bodies for fishing.


Foraging and Hunting

Wild Foraging:

   - Gather edible plants, berries, mushrooms, and nuts from the wild.


   - Hunt deer, rabbits, kangaroos and other game for meat.


Food Preservation

Canning and Pickling:

   - Preserve fruits, vegetables, and meats.

Drying and Dehydrating:

   - Dry herbs, fruits, and meats.


   - Make sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and kombucha.


   - Freeze fruits, vegetables, and meats for long-term storage.


Homemade Household Supplies

Cleaning Supplies:

   - Make natural cleaners using vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils.

Personal Care Products:

   - Make soap, shampoo, and toothpaste using natural ingredients.

   - Use homemade or reusable items like cloth diapers and menstrual products.


   - Spin and weave wool from sheep, goats or alpacas.

   - Sew and repair clothing or second hand.


Alternative Sourcing

Bartering and Trading:

   - Exchange goods and services with neighbours and local communities.

Local Farmers’ Markets:

   - Buy directly from local farmers and artisans.

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA):

   - Subscribe to a CSA for regular deliveries of fresh, local produce.

Bulk Buying and Co-ops:

   - Purchase bulk items through food co-ops to minimize trips and packaging.

Adopting these practices can significantly reduce dependence on supermarkets and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.